
Sharing Sadhana

Online Meditation & Yoga

with Turtle Angelo

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 Online Yoga Classes

Will Durant said, “We are what we repeatedly do.”

In these times, as we vacillate between fear and anger; dance between sadness and longing; with tiny moments of joy sprinkled in to give us hope — we are called to center, to ground, and to rethink the way we live. We are called to practice. Practice what we preach. Practice being the person we want to be.

In yoga, this practice is sādhanā. Everything can be sādhanā. The way you eat, the way you sit, the way you conduct your body, mind, and emotions.

Each of us comes to the mat for different reasons, but whatever they be, we come, again and again. To breathe, to move, to free ourselves, to find ourselves, to open up, to let go.

Join me in Sharing Sādhanā.

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